
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Product Placement Then and Now

PRODUCT PLACEMENT= As defined by, is an advertising technique used by companies to subtly promote their products through a non-traditional advertising technique, usually through appearances in film, television, or other media.

The first product placement to be known, that most likely wasn't paid for, is shown here in the clip of this silent film, dating back to the 1800s or 1896 to be exact. The film is titled Defile du 8e Battalion (Giirel, 1896)
In this segment of the film, there is a wheelbarrow brought into the picture displaying the Sunlight Soap logo. A very subtle showing of advertisement compared to our new day and age.

-Source: Institut Lumiere in Lyon / Jay Newell, Iowa State University / iTVX Product Placement Measurement

Product Placement has had an impact on the world in our present day. It can shape in the most unique ways, our attitudes and beliefs about the products we buy. Product Placement has progressed through the ages and has captured our hearts, minds and sometimes our stomachs 

For our Hearts. A movie that created a lot of fond memories would be E.T.-The Extra Terrestrial. In this clip, it shows how Reese's Pieces were firstly used to capture the attention and lure of E.T. to come into the house. 

(source: E.T. The Extra Terrestrial via

Although this next clip is a commercial, it brings the memories of E.T. being tied to Reese's Pieces.
(source: The Hershey Company i.e. Reese's Pieces via

Of those people who watch the universal networks of television might have seen the show Modern Family.

In the episode called the Game Changer, the dad, Phil Dunfee, is expressing how much he loves the iPad that he received for his birthday.

For our Minds:
(source:<-- Modern Family--Game Changer via                                                               (source----->Apple Inc.)

 This is a prime example of the difference between how "a supposed to be subliminal" product placement can turn into an obvious one.

And finally a look at our Stomachs, that are seeming to increasingly become more popular.
In one of my favorite Adam Sandler movies, Billy Madison shows its Subway colors.

(Source: Madison)

Product placement can also be found in cartoons such as The Simpsons. As to whether the companies are paying for this publicity, Bad publicity or Good publicity is still important to have to increase Brand Awareness. This is especially true for such a popular show. Here are some funny clips taken from The Simpsons.

(Source: The Simpsons show via
Product Placements have been apart of our lives and are ever increasing to be "obvious" advertisements in movies, television and other media. Think of it as a Mass Media "Where's Waldo." If you look for it, there can be a guarantee of product placement in about everything we watch nowadays.